
Domestic and foreign markets

Chinese market

At the retail end, Minxing Cable has deployed more than 1,000 terminal retail outlets across the country; at the engineering end, Minxing Cable has established offices in 30 provincial-level regions across the country; it has an industry-leading national service system that can achieve communication with customers across the country. Efficient docking has won wide acclaim from customers.

international market

Through years of intensive cultivation in the international market, Minxing Cable has achieved good sales performance in more than 30 countries and regions around the world such as Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Africa, and its products are sold well in the international market.

  • Headquarter Headquarter address : Hongying Industrial Zone, Longping Road, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province 400-188-3331 Contact person:Manager Zhang 13825215352
  • Overseas Business Department Contact: Manager Dong   Telephone: 13057704456   Mail :ray.dong@kiyuto.com
  • Minxing domestic service outlets
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